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Online Privacy Practices

Shopping with VibrantDirect is safe and secure

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Our site uses industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide encryption of personal information such as your name, address and credit card details. In this way, information passed between your computer and our website cannot be read in the unlikely event of someone intercepting it. Credit and debit card transactions are secure.

We will only accept orders using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology – this means you cannot inadvertently reveal personal information by using an unsecured connection.

You can check that you are shopping in a secure environment by looking for either a locked padlock icon (Internet Explorer/Mozilla) or an image of a key (Netscape) in the gray bar at the bottom of your screen. This will appear on any page where you are entering personal information (such as your credit card details) – no other page will transmit information about you.

Should you wish to speak to us about your order, you will never be asked to quote your full credit card number by our after sales staff.

Privacy Statement

We use the login process to identify you when necessary, for example when you wish to buy a product. You do not need to log in to browse the Vibrantdirect web site, but if you do not log in you will not be able to view the status of previous orders or buy as we cannot identify you.

You may unsubscribe from any direct marketing activity, by writing to us at:


Tatung (UK) Ltd
Stafford Park 10,

This privacy policy only covers the Vibrantdirect web site. Any links within this site to other web sites are not covered by this policy.

We will never sell, trade or rent your personal information to any third party without your permission.